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3 Reasons Planning Matters to Your IT Costs

Planning is essential to your business, especially if you want to avoid overspending. IT is certainly not the exception to this rule.

Some IT costs spring up for companies as a total surprise, like equipment breakdowns. But, these expenses can be minimized or mitigated with proper planning.

5 IT Costs Your Company Must Account For

You might recall a few years ago that there was a seemingly sudden cost of having to update all your operating systems when Microsoft announced it would no longer support Windows XP. That might seem like an unpredictable technology cost but it wasn’t.

This upgrade, like many other IT costs that seem to spring up on you, can (and should) be better accounted for.

5 Ways Your IT Provider Should Take Care of Your Business

Technology should not be a burdensome cost you’ve been forced to bear. The investment you make in your technology is a critical decision; an exciting opportunity to gain a competitive advantage.

For your technology to function as a strategic tool, working to accelerate your overall business objectives, you need a team of experts that has the depth of knowledge and breadth of service to meet your core objectives.

The Depth of IT Support By Connecting Point

"What surprises your clients the most, after you begin working with them?" --Listen to what Ted Warner, President of Connecting Point, says in this interesting video, as "The Depth of IT Support By Connecting Point" is covered.

Find out more about our services by exploring our website.

Checklist: Is Your IT Provider Delivering on Their Promise of Responsiveness?

Wouldn’t it be great if you had the IT provider you need… one that delivers on their promise; giving you dedicated customer service, responsiveness, and top-notch service delivery – all while knowing that your IT provider really cares about you?

If you’re feeling frustrated with your IT provider, or missing any of the elements listed above, it’s time to consider making a switch.

What Is Cloud Computing?

Ten years ago, if you had been told that one of the smartest business decisions you could make would be to have all your business information (files, documents, photos, everything) in a virtual place, accessible from anywhere but ONLY by your designated employees, you might have said “that sounds like science fiction.

United Way Day of Action

Saturday, June 18, 2016, Connecting Point had a team of 6 people who worked from 9AM-noon at the Weld Food Bank as a part of the United Way Day of Action.

Team members were Ross Jordan, Dave Kallweit, Rick Turner, Scott & Mallory Warner and Sue Warner.

Does Your Business Need Cybersecurity?

Information Technology experts call it “IT security” or “computer security” but many business owners refer to it as “cybersecurity.” If you were to do a Google search for this keyword, you would find that it gets roughly 19,300,000 searches.

Set up a productive, efficient, and secure remote team that can help you run your business anywhere. Download our free eBook today to learn how!Download here