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What Does Office 365 Add To Your Business

Businesses are still making the change to office 365 and use of the cloud. What is it about office 365 that makes it a perfect, easy transition for your business? There are a few things, actually. And each of them aids in improving the overall function of your business, whether it be a small or big business.

The Value of the MSP (Managed Services Provider)

In business today, every organization faces the challenges of delivering a better product or service. We try hard to control costs, edge out our competition by enhancing processes to be more efficient, hire the best possible people to allow us to deliver a better customer experience and stay ahead or at least in-step with industry trends.

An IT Partner, NOT Provider

At Connecting Point we understand why your critical business services are so important to your daily operations. This is why we spend so much time aligning our technology to support your initiatives. We strive to be a true IT Partner, not just an IT Provider.

The CTO’s Commentary on Windows 10

Many of you will have seen a recent mass email we sent out about Microsoft’s release of Windows 10. Now that the release has happened and tens of thousands of people are starting to upgrade and use the new OS version, we are starting to get a good picture of how this OS will fit into the future IT picture and what sort of problems those early adopters are having.

We Debunk The Top Office 365 Myths In Northern Colorado

If you’ve recently been interested in Office 365 can help your business or organization, you may encounter some resistance due to myths and misconceptions. Here at Connecting Point, your trusted Office 365 Business in Northern Colorado, we’re here to debunk some of the more common, persistent misconceptions about Office 365 that continue to stymie adoption efforts by some businesses.

IT Support Myths Abound In Fort Collins

If you’ve ever worked in Fort Collins IT support, chances are you’ve came across a few people who you’ve helped who actually had no idea what you actually do or what IT support is. Today we are going to cover a few common misconceptions we’ve heard and experienced during our IT support sessions here in Fort Collins.

Benefits of Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery

In our last blog, we talked a little bit about cloud backup and disaster recovery and how it can help businesses safeguard their most valuable information and data. Our PointCare Ultimate Backup (PUB) service delivers unparalleled data protection, as well as business continuity.

Exploring Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery

As part of our cloud computing services at Connecting Point, we offer cloud-based backup and disaster recovery services to small businesses in Loveland. Otherwise known as our PointCare Ultimate Backup (PUB), this backup and recovery service delivers unparalleled data protection, as well as business continuity.

Set up a productive, efficient, and secure remote team that can help you run your business anywhere. Download our free eBook today to learn how!Download here