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How to protect your company mobile devices

While mobile devices cannot equal what desktops and laptops can do, they’re inching pretty close to matching them. That’s why businesses are allowing their employees to use their smartphones and tablets, which help increase productivity and enhance collaboration.

It’s time for your business to get SaaS-y

As technology grows, more solutions are available to help businesses cut costs and improve efficiency. One such solution is software as a service, aka SaaS. To know if this can benefit your business, it’s best to learn what SaaS actually is. Read on for the answers.

Windows virtualization for Mac use

There are countless reasons to run the Windows operating system (OS) on a Mac computer, but the main one is so you can use apps designed for PC on an Apple machine. However, there are other benefits that make virtualizing Windows on your Mac worth it regardless of your software needs.

Healthcare IoT: Security risks involved

From mobile apps that assist with taking medicine on time to smart appliances that monitor vitals, the Internet of Things (IoT) is becoming ubiquitous in healthcare. However, IoT’s expansion brings new risks, vulnerabilities, and security challenges for healthcare practitioners and their patients.

3 Types of hackers you should know about

What do you call someone who hunts for security gaps in computer hardware and software? A hacker, right? What about someone who presents their findings to vendors to help them improve the quality of their products? There is more than one type of hacker, and understanding the difference is important.

Ways to safeguard your IoT devices

Your Internet of Things (IoT) devices — smart TVs, security cameras, smart locks — add a level of convenience to your workplace, but they also make your systems more vulnerable to cyberattacks. That’s because they’re essentially potential entry points for hackers.

Six handy Gmail tips for your business

Time is of the essence, especially for small- or medium-sized businesses. To keep up with your competitors, spending most of your day rummaging through your inbox won’t help. Use these Gmail tips and tricks and spend less time in front of the monitor and more time enhancing your bottom line.

Thought Leaders Article: Is your business prepared for a Cyber-Security Attack?

The reality of our marketplace today is that all businesses must understand the risks/consequences of cybersecurity attacks. Protecting an organization’s data used to be more about recovering from a physical disaster (flood/fire/tornado or internal challenges like malicious behavior/technology failures/end-user errors). And while this process is critical, the technology to prevent and recover from those challenges is better than ever and is more of a standard expectation for business leaders and IT professionals.

What’s better, virtualization or the cloud?

You’ve probably heard of cloud computing, but what about virtualization? Both are invaluable for small businesses, but it’s easy to mix them up. Learning the differences between these technologies can save you a lot of money, so let’s do a quick recap of how they work.

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