Five design tips to improve your website

It’s not enough for small businesses to have a beautiful-looking website these days. Small business owners must also adopt web design trends that not only attract more visitors but ultimately increase sales. Consider the following web design ideas to achieve just that.

The vulnerabilities of hypervisors

The efficiency of hypervisors against cyberattacks has earned them a reputation as a reliable and robust software application. But the persistence of hackers who never run out of creative ways to breach systems keeps IT experts on their toes. You should know the vulnerabilities of hypervisors so you can defend them properly and keep hackers […]

A new generation steps up to lead Greeley’s Connecting Point

GREELEY — Connecting Point has evolved several times in the roughly 35 years since Ted Warner founded the Greeley-based IT firm, morphing from computer retailer to a network integrator to managed services provider. This year, the company is going through another evolutionary stage — but this time it’s not the business strategy that’s changing but the leadership.

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor them, that is the topic of this blog post. If you’ve ever considered checking in on your staff’s online activities, you may have hesitated about whether or not it’s the right decision. We’ve listed the pros and cons of monitoring your employees, and some tips to make […]

Small company IT hardware checklist

The IT hardware issues your business experienced in previous years should, ideally, be a thing of the past. Although some minor issues may remain, they can be avoided by taking care of your computer hardware. The following checklist can help you better manage your hardware.

Must-have extensions for your Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular and most used browser in the world. And because of its unparalleled speed, user-friendly interface, and powerful performance, it’s also touted as the best browser. But did you know that the Chrome Web Store is full of extensions you can install to add extra features to your browser? Here […]

IT innovations that transform healthcare

The mere mention of the word “technology” elicits a certain expectation. Namely, that we’re dealing with something that’s modern, new, and has the potential to change our lives. In healthcare, new and transformative solutions are constantly being created.

Virtualization: Best practices for newbies

Investing in virtualization will allow a business to enjoy better IT management and huge cost savings. However, virtualization’s deployment process is not a walk in the park. If you’re a virtualization newbie, you need to plan carefully and implement the following best practices.

Cybersecurity and managed IT services

The saying that every company is a technology company is undeniably true, with today’s enterprises unable to function without digital hearts, veins, and arteries. This system, however, comes with a price: a daily onslaught of hacking and other cyberthreats.

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